1.0 [For Agents] When Invited to SpeedVisa

What to do after receiving an invitation email from SpeedVisa

1. Accepting the Invitation from the School

When a school representative invites you to SpeedVisa, you will receive an email.

Click the "Verify email address" link in the email to accept the invitation.

For more details, please refer to the following:


2. Getting Started

First, ensure that your operating environment meets the recommended requirements.

Recommended Environment

You can find guidance on the dashboard screen in the following article. It includes information about help pages, chat functionality, announcements from SpeedVisa, notification features, and more:


3. Settings

From the [Settings] menu on the left-hand side of the screen, you can configure various options:

1) Profile Settings and Updates

You can set your name, name (in English), and preferred language.

Available languages include Japanese, English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Uzbek (Beta), Nepali (Beta), and Bengali (Beta).

The interface text and notification email content will be displayed in the selected language.

💡 Note: Beta versions are machine translations and may contain unnatural phrasing. Thank you for your understanding.

2) Changing Email Address/Password

You can update the email address and password registered on SpeedVisa.

3) Settings about Schools

You can view school-related information, such as school profiles, department/course details, and document lists configured by the school.

Once everything is ready, let’s start creating application documents!