2.0 [For Agents] Registering Student Information

A step-by-step guide for inputting CoE application information for students you are introducing to schools.

1. Registering Basic Student Information

1)Open the Registration Screen

Go to Dashboard > [Register New Student] .

Alternatively, you can open the registration screen from the top-right menu by navigating to [Student Management] > [Add Student].

2)Enter Information

Make sure to fill in all required fields. After entering the information, click [Register] to save.

Field Name Required/Optional Notes
Student ID Number Optional This will be filled in by the school. Leave it blank.
Department/Course Required Select a course. Confirm course names with the school beforehand.
Last Name Required Enter in English alphabet.
First Name Required Enter in English alphabet.
Name (Kanji) Optional Enter the student’s name in Kanji, if applicable.
Name (Katakana) Optional Enter the student’s name in Katakana.
Nickname Optional Include any preferred name or Kanji nickname.
Date of Birth Required Enter in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Nationality Required Select from the dropdown.
Email Address Required Use a contactable email address.
Phone Number Optional Use a contactable phone number.
Others Optional Add additional contact details such as SNS IDs.

2. Creating the Application Form

1)Open the Student Management Screen

Click [Student Management] to open the student list screen.

Hover over the three vertical dots on the right-hand side of the student’s information for whom you want to create an application.

Click the [Create New Application] button that appears.

2)Set Items and Create Application

Configure the necessary fields and click [Create].

Field Notes
Application Type Only "Certificate of Eligibility" is available.
Required Document List Select from predefined options or configure later.
Application Deadline The date preset for the course will be displayed. You can edit it manually.


Start Entering Information

💡 You can also invite the student to SpeedVisa and have them input their information. Refer to the following guide:


3. Editing and Submitting Application Data

1)Open the Application

Go to [Student Management] to display the student list.

Hover over the three vertical dots on the right-hand side of the student’s information.

Click the [View Application] button that appears.

You can also open the application from [Application Management] by clicking the student’s name in the application list.

2) Edit Application Information

The application input screen will open.

Click the [Edit] button in the top-right corner to make edits.

Refer to the following articles for more guidance:








3) Submit the Application

Once all information has been entered and reviewed, click [Mark as Submitted] in the application status control area.

  • Data will be locked, and further edits from the agent’s screen will be disabled.

  • The application status will change to "Preparing for Immigration Submission."

  • The school will receive a notification.

💡 Note: Once you click [Mark as Submitted], this action cannot be undone. If changes are needed, contact the school representative to unlock the data.

【Reference】How to contact School
